Mike Mowery

President, Leadership Development & Strategic Foresight

Dr. Mike Mowery, SGR’s President of Leadership Development and Strategic Foresight, has been with SGR since 2011. Before joining SGR Mike was a full-time pastor for 20 years, having served churches in Washington, Colorado, and Texas. His doctoral project was developing a collaborative approach to strategic planning, and this has formed the foundation for the Council Retreats that SGR leads every year in cities and counties across the nation. Mike is passionate about the importance of servant leadership because he believes it provides a way for a future in which everyone has the chance to flourish. Although he has not worked for any municipalities, he has led over 500 Leadership Workshops for local governments.

Mike is a sports fanatic, and he is often accused of stirring up “smack talk” within the SGR Team. You’re also likely to hear him quoting goofy sports clichés. The love for sports comes from his uncle, Pat Mowery, who was a teacher and coach in Mike’s hometown. He instilled in Mike a love for sports and developing people from an early age. Although he didn’t realize it, his uncle was a mentor before mentoring was even talked about.

When it comes to leadership, Mike’s favorite saying is, “Leaders are readers, and readers are leaders.” He believes reading a well-written book is like having a lengthy conversation with an expert on a particular topic, and there’s no better way to learn than having those kinds of experiences.

Mike and his wife, Mary Beth, both graduated from Baylor University (sic ‘em Bears!). They have been married for over 40 years and have three children and five grandchildren. In addition to his formal education, Mike has completed certifications through IOPT, Wave Changers, Friday Night at the ER, Institute of Cultural Affairs, and the Greenleaf Best Test. He is currently in the process of becoming a certified leadership coach through the International Coaching Federation.